Everything you need to know about dandruff.

Ever been embarrassed due to your dandruff? You are not the only one. Numbers suggest that 1 in 2 people all over the world have struggled with dandruff at some point in their life. Yes, it’s not contagious. But does that make it any less difficult to deal with?
What is dandruff?
Most people believe that they’re suffering from dandruff if they find white flakes on their shoulder. They might be confused into thinking that a dry scalp is what causes dandruff, and lather on oil to solve it. But this could end up making the condition worse. Although flaking is a common symptom for both scalp ailments, dandruff is caused by an oily scalp and a naturally occurring fungus known as Malassezia Globosa.
Hormonal fluctuations, weather changes or even stress can trigger your body into producing and secreting excess oil, which can potentially build-up on your scalp. This creates the perfect scenario for the Malassezia fungus to break down the oil into oleic acid, something you might be sensitive towards.
If your body reacts to this irritation, it can cause an aggressive growth of skin cells on your scalp that are shed as white-yellow flakes. It is also associated with certain symptoms like itching and redness, that can help you differentiate what is dandruff and what is not.
What are the symptoms of dandruff?
Before trying to understand what to do for dandruff, it is important to correctly identify this scalp ailment. These symptoms may differ from person to person, and you might need to visit a dermatologist for a correct diagnosis. They will be able to explain what causes dandruff for you and which dandruff treatment would be most effective.
1. Itching –
A severe itchy scalp is an immediate response to scalp dandruff. It can vary for people based on the amount of build-up and the response of the fungus.2. Oily red patches –
Dandruff can lead to inflamed red skin which is worsened by scratching. These can be spots or take on the form of greasy scaly patches, depending on the severity of your infection.3. Flakes –
This is the most common indicator that you’re suffering from dandruff. These are dead skin cells which are shedding in response to the irritant on your scalp.How do you prevent dandruff?
Although certain things are beyond your control, such as hormonal fluctuations, you can take certain steps to stop the dandruff from appearing.
1. Hair and scalp hygiene –
Keeping your head clean can go a long way in reducing the occurrence of hair dandruff. Routine use of shampoos and cleansers can help regulate oil levels on your scalp.2. Reduce stress and eat healthy –
Your stress levels can play havoc with your hormones, which can directly impact your oil secretion. Build a balanced lifestyle, which includes a healthy diet to boost your immune system.3. Hair products –
Use the right kind of products that are meant for your scalp. Everyone has a different skin sensitivity, and you don’t want products that can cause a negative reaction.4. Cover your head –
Sweat, dirt, pollution and other external irritants can aggravate the build-up on your scalp. Keep your head covered from direct sunlight and harmful elements.Dandruff treatments
Because dandruff is so common, there are various options available when you’re thinking of what to do to remove dandruff.
1. Neem –
This is nature’s dandruff remedy due to its anti-fungal properties. You can create a hair mask with other ingredients or directly apply neem paste on your scalp to calm down the itching.2. Aloe Vera –
This cooling gel can instantly calm down the inflammation and itching, with its enzymes working to reduce the oil build-up and the impact of the fungus. You can apply pure aloe vera gel onto your scalp or create a hair mask from it.3. Lemon juice –
A commonly used dandruff remedy, this can clear away any excessive build-up on your scalp and balance out the pH levels. You can apply diluted lemon juice onto your scalp or mix it with coconut oil, honey or even curd.4. Dandruff shampoo –
While home remedies might work for some, the ideal method is to use products that are built to handle dandruff. Like the Head and Shoulders Neem, which can clean and protect your scalp while getting rid of the dandruff causing germs.
Dandruff is a vicious cycle that keeps recurring. You might change a thousand shampoos, try a hundred dandruff home remedies, but you’ll still find dandruff making a comeback in your life. The only way to keep it at bay, is to have the right information and the right product by your side. But where to find the right information especially when so much of what’s written about dandruff is contradictory? So, to make your life a little easy, we have prepared an ultimate guide on what is dandruff and its solutions. Check out the articles listed below and give dandruff a tough fight.
All reference on this page to *Upto 100%, **Germs, ***Immunity and ****No. 1 shampoo refer to * removing visible flakes only, with regular usage, at least 3x per week, **related to dandruff, imbalance of bacteria, with regular use, ***protection from dandruff causing germs and ***according to P&G calculation based on Nielsen data from June’18 to July’19 respectively.