Find Out the Various Reasons for Dandruff in Hair & Scalp

1 in 2 people in the world have suffered from dandruff at some point in their lives. Find out more about the cause, symptoms and the best way to get rid of dandruff
It is quite understandable to feel embarrassed and out of place when you are suffering from dandruff. Those itchy fits, the visible embarrassing flakes and total overall discomfort, can all be very annoying. So, you seek out several dandruff homes remedies and anti-dandruff solutions to no avail! But before you can land on an effective dandruff remedy you must understand what causes it. This would make the treatment much easier and faster.
The white or greyish, large oily clumps or flakes on the scalp, skin and/or clothes are a result of dead skin cells. The most common symptoms of hair dandruff are flaking and mild itchiness. Red and greasy patches on the skin and a tingly feeling on the scalp are other symptoms of dandruff. There are several genetic and environmental causes of dandruff. It affects people in all areas of the world.
Hair dandruff is caused due to a fungus called Malassezia Globosa that feeds on oils on the scalp of most adults. When the oil breaks down it produces a by-product, oleic acid. Some people are allergic to oleic acid and this results in excessive shedding of the scalp skin. This skin condition miserably affects the scalp. In this, as the skin layers continually replace themselves, cells are pushed outward where they die and flake off. People with this condition experience the maturity of skin cells within 2-7 days as opposed to a duration of month for other people and about 50% of the world's population suffers from dandruff.
Explore The Causes Of Dandruff In More Detail.
Dandruff often starts with puberty as your hormones start to change, causing you to produce more scalp oils for the dandruff-causing germ Malassezia globosa to thrive on. It can also appear when your hormones change during times of stress.
Some factors that can directly affect your hair dandruff are as mentioned below.
1) Age -
Dandruff usually begins in young adulthood and continues through middle age.
2) Being male -
Some researchers think male hormone may be one of the reasons for dandruff because more men have dandruff.
3) Certain illnesses -
Parkinson’s disease and other diseases that affect the nervous system may also be one of the many reasons for dandruff. A weakened immune system also makes one more susceptible to dandruff.
4) Bad hair hygiene -
Improper hair washing routine, ordinary shampoo instead of an anti-dandruff shampoo, not washing hair frequently etc. can also result in dandruff.
So, if you are expecting dandruff sometime soon or already have it, there is no need to worry. There is a tried and tested sure solution for dandruff. The Head & Shoulders anti-dandruff shampoo is the best and most hassle-free way of getting rid of any kind of dandruff.
More about when you get dandruff
There are several different ways of identifying hair dandruff. Some of the most common ways of detecting dandruff is to look for the symptoms. Read on to find out some common symptoms of dandruff.
- Flakes
Visible flakes are the most common sign of dandruff. They are the excessive scalp skin cells that have been shed because of your allergy to oleic acid. The dead skin cells build-up into clumps to form visible white and reddish dandruff flakes.
- Itchiness
Whenever you see someone scratching their head it could mean only 2 things. They are either in deep thought or simply suffering from dandruff. In most cases the later is truer. All the build-up causes irritation and an itchy scalp.
- Dryness
Just like the skin of any other part of the body, your scalp skin can feel dry too. Dandruff breaks the essential moisture holding barrier causing the skin to dry out too quickly and for the natural oils of the scalp to leak and dry up.
- Redness
The sheer irritation on the skin and possibly the regular scratching of the skin can cause redness and irritation. This is also a sign that confirms dandruff.
Read More On The Symptoms Of Dandruff
How to get rid of dandruff has been a persistent question for a really long time now. We have the answer for you. There are several dandruff treatment tips you can follow at home.
1. Right hair products:
Your body knows what it needs. So, look for hair and scalp products that help you manage your scalp and hair condition best. Luckily, treating dandruff and treating flakes, itching and dryness is easy – just use a Head & Shoulders anti-dandruff shampoo that’s been proven to work on all the symptoms of dandruff. For dry dandruff you could use Head & Shoulders Silky Smooth which comes with the dual benefits of anti-dandruff and lustrous great hair.
There’s a whole range of different shampoos depending on your symptoms, your hair type and how you want your hair to look whether it’s thicker and fuller, or smooth and silky. Head & Shoulders Anti-Dandruff Shampoo contains the active ingredient zinc pyrithione, which has been proven in hundreds of clinical trials to get rid of dandruff when used regularly.
2. Regular hair washing:
If you are using an effective anti-dandruff shampoo to help you get rid of hair dandruff, it is medically recommended to wash your hair with cold water, 2-3 times a week without fail,
3. Neem for hair dandruff:
You must have heard of several home remedies for dandruff or even recipes of using neem. The truth lies in the matter that while home remedies and neem packs might be claimed to help, there is no way to find out but to go through the hassle of regularly applying the pastes, drinking juices or chewing leaves to no avail. and it almost always comes back.
All you need to do is pair up the power of neem with the anti-dandruff power of Head & Shoulders Neem Shampoo and effectively get rid of dandruff in just one wash.
4. Usage of hats and other head gear:
Anything that helps you cover your head is likely to save some of that oil build-up from happening. Put on a hat, a scarf or a hoodie when heading out.
5.Avoid Scratching:
Scratching only worsens the situation as you scratch out clumps of dandruff you are also removing some skin with it causing bleeding, soreness, and redness.
6. Healthy Diet:
Diet is everything, no matter what you are trying to achieve. A healthy and balanced diet wherein you are able to cut back on excessive sugar, carbs and dairy, it is sure to help with your overall skin texture and quality. Make sure you pair your diet with Head & Shoulders anti-dandruff shampoo.
7. Hygiene check:
Make sure you keep you scalp and your hair clean and healthy. If there has been excessive sweating or spilling of something, make sure you clean as soon as possible. unwanted material on your scalp for too long only makes dandruff grow more.
8. Hair Brushing Tips:
Brushing your hair helps in increasing blood flow and thus slowing down the growth of dead cell build-up. It also cleanses the debris in your hair from time to time before the fungus has much to work on.
9. Reduce Stress:
The allergy to oleic acid is known to get triggered by internal factors mainly. Stress and a sedentary lifestyle play a big role in increasing dandruff and causing redness, itchiness and sores on your scalp.
10. Good hair routine:
A good hair routine is one that you have+C43 identified by yourself for your hair and scalp type. Depending on whether you scalp is dry, oily or just flaky, you can pick the kind of anti-dandruff shampoo that will help you get rid of the dandruff in just one wash. Head & Shoulders is one of the most effective dandruff solutions out there. It is world's number 1 anti-dandruff shampoo which comes with several options to choose from, depending on your hair style and scalp as well as hair quality.
Get advice and tips on how to get rid of dandruff.
Usually a dandruff condition can be easily dealt with at home, with a conducive scalp care regime. If you feel that despite of persistent efforts, your dandruff is not going away, it might be time to visit your doctor for further treatment.
What is dandruff? What are the signs of dandruff? Which dandruff treatment tips to follow? are some questions that you might be seeking answers to. A simple and straight forward solution to all you dandruff issues is nothing other than a good hair washing regime. Simply pick from our wide range of anti-dandruff variants and get up to 100% dandruff free scalp in just one wash.
All reference on this page to *Upto 100%, **Germs, ***Immunity and ****No. 1 shampoo refer to * removing visible flakes only, with regular usage, at least 3x per week, **related to dandruff, imbalance of bacteria, with regular use, ***protection from dandruff causing germs and ***according to P&G calculation based on Nielsen data from June’18 to July’19 respectively.
Show References
- How to treat dandruff. AAD.
- Dandruff Treatment. WebMD.