If somebody tells you to crack open an egg on your scalp, you’d probably think that they were either joking or crazy. You might be fine with it on a plate but not on your head. But if you suffer from that itchy feeling of dandruff, eggs just might be the way to go.
Eggs are made of two distinct parts – the yellow yolk and the translucent egg white. The yolk is generally rich in fat and vitamins, while the egg white contains proteins and essential amino acids. Both of these play different roles in the health of your hair and scalp.
Egg for dandruff and hair fall

Eggs and Diet
Most people are aware that eggs are high in protein, and it is recommended to add them to your diet. Your hair is predominantly made up of keratin, which is a protein itself. Different reasons like harsh chemical treatment, heat-based styling, or even environmental factors can lead to a loss of protein in your hair.
Adding egg to your diet as a home remedy for dandruff can lead to a stronger cortex, which is the middle layer of your hair strand. This reduces the likelihood of split ends and hair breakage. It also smoothens and reinforces the outer layer of your hair strand, adding a shiny glow to it. It is said that a lack of protein can cause hair thinning and even hair loss.
Egg for dandruff and hair fall
Using eggs for any condition depends entirely on the type of condition that you’re suffering from. Eggs for dandruff and eggs for hair issues need different approaches. Dandruff is caused by a fungus called Malassezia Globosa, which feeds on your scalp oil to create flakes and itching. Not everyone suffers from it and before you start thinking of how to get rid of dandruff, it’s important to make sure it’s not just a dry scalp which has started to flake.
The difference in usage comes down to the egg yolk and the egg white:
Egg white for dandruff
Studies show that egg white can help in removing the excessive greasiness and dirt from your scalp, while allowing the enzymes to act on the bacteria found there. It is known to remove dirt and dead skin as well. This is all fodder for your dandruff condition to intensify.
The answer to the question ‘how to apply egg on hair for dandruff’ is simple - a hair mask. You can either apply the egg white directly or you can add elements to it. You can add lemon, coconut oil, castor oil, honey or even apply cider vinegar. Choose your additive carefully and create a consistent mix with the egg. Massage this egg treatment for dandruff into your scalp and evenly apply it on your damp hair, ensuring that it coats every strand. Leave it in for about 20 minutes and then wash it thoroughly with a gentle shampoo in cold water. Doing this will answer your question – does egg remove dandruff.
Egg yolk for hair
The egg yolk is not completely useless. When you think of egg for dandruff and hair fall, the yellow yolk generally works on the hair fall, as it is known to be a great moisturiser for dry hair. Egg yolk contains biotin, vitamin A and D, which can help protect against hair damage and hair loss, while increasing hair growth.
The best way to use egg yolk is in the form of a hair mask. Mix egg yolk with olive oil to create a stable mixture. Apply it to your hair and let it remain for 30 to 40 minutes. Wash it thoroughly with cold water and a gentle shampoo. Using this regularly has shown remarkable effects on brittle and dull hair, bringing your shine back.
Can you use both, Egg white and Egg yolk?
When it comes to using an egg for dandruff and hair fall, it all depends on the extent of your ailment. If you have dry hair and dandruff, you can add a little bit of yolk to the egg white.
This will help in moisturising your hair while acting as a dandruff solution. If your hair is excessively greasy, then it is best to avoid the yolk altogether. You need to experiment based on the condition of your scalp and hair.
Any concerns with using eggs for dandruff and hair?
In general, there are very few issues that can crop up when it comes to using eggs on your head. The biggest concern would be if you have an allergy to eggs. In this case, application of eggs can lead to rashes and further complications. A simple patch test should help you in this regard.
You also need to be mindful of the quantities that you use and the frequency. If you are creating hair masks out of different concoctions, the wrong amounts of product can actually worsen your condition instead of solving it. Always do your research based on your scalp and hair type, and don’t use eggs for dandruff more than once a week.
If you’re pressed for time, or just don’t like the smell of eggs, you can also use Head and Shoulders shampoos to help you with this. Try the Head and Shoulders Lemon Fresh or the Head and Shoulders Neem anti-dandruff shampoo that brings the goodness of nature into your fight against dandruff. If you realise that you have dry hair while you’re wondering how to reduce dandruff, you can try the Head and Shoulders 2 in 1 Smooth and Silky which combines a shampoo and conditioner to nourish your hair strand. Be it shampoos or eggs, you now have various options available to help you bring life back to your hair.