Is it possible to get rid of dandruff overnight?

Imagine that you have an event to attend tomorrow. You pass by a mirror and catch a glimpse of some white dust on your shoulder, realising in horror that it’s dandruff. It might be an important event and you don’t want those specks on your black dress. In this scenario, wouldn’t it be nice to have a dandruff solution at home that could get rid of this problem overnight?
But wait, what is dandruff?
This scalp ailment is primarily caused by a fungus called Malassezia Globosa, which is found naturally on your scalp and is harmless to most people. This fungus feeds on the sebum that is secreted by the sebaceous glands found on the scalp. If there is excess oil build-up on your scalp, this fungus multiplies and breaks down the oil. If you’re unlucky and react to it, you’ll end up with itching, redness and flakes of dead skin cells. This only affects half of the people in the world, so some people could have extremely oily scalps and never face any issues.
The sebum production on your scalp can fluctuate for various reasons. It could be hormones, stress, or even the weather. You could try to control it, but that’s a bit tricky. You’re better off keeping your scalp clean and that is probably the best dandruff solution you could find.
What about the overnight dandruff treatment?
The sad truth is that nothing can get rid of your dandruff overnight. Anybody who claims this is lying through their teeth. What some dandruff home remedies can do, is to reduce the symptoms and effects of dandruff. Application of certain products can soothe your itching and reducing the inflammation on your scalp. They can very likely help your dandruff condition over a period of time, but not overnight. Always keep that in mind when using these products.
Some of these dandruff-calming answers are:
Aloe Vera –
This natural solution for dandruff has moisturising properties and nourishing vitamins. It contains enzymes and fatty acids that have an anti-inflammatory effect. It can reduce your scalp irritation and has shown to clear off any excess scalp build-up. This reduces the chances of your dandruff flaring up. You can either apply it directly or create a hair mask with different products like yogurt or honey. -
Tea Tree oil –
This essential oil contains anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties that can curb the growth of your dandruff causing fungus. It is effective in calming down skin irritation and assists in healing wounds, helping to reduce your scalp itching. You can apply a diluted version to your scalp or add a few drops to your shampoo. Never use it without diluting first, as it can worsen your itching. -
Neem –
This has been used for traditional medicine in various cultures. Neem contains anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory characteristics, that make it a natural solution for dandruff. It can provide immediate relief from itchiness and discomfort, hydrating your hair in the process. You can boil neem in water and apply it to your hair or create a paste out of honey, coconut oil or even fenugreek seeds. -
Lemon juice –
A great option in clearing out any excessive build-up on your scalp. The acidic property of lemon juice can help in regulating the pH balance and prevent inflammation on your scalp. It contains anti-microbial and antioxidant properties that can help your dandruff issue. You can apply it directly to your scalp or create a scrub with coconut oil and sugar. -
Apple cider vinegar –
Used often as a disinfectant, it can eliminate any excess oil and dirt that is building up on your scalp. It also has anti-fungal attributes that can stop the dandruff causing fungus, while soothing any itchiness. You can apply a diluted version of it to your hair and scalp, leaving it in for about half hour. Rinse thoroughly after. -
Fenugreek seeds –
Colloquially known as methi seeds, this home remedy has been used to treat dry hair and soothe scalp irritation. It is said to contain anti-fungal properties that can help with your dandruff as well. Create a hair paste by grinding soaked fenugreek seeds and adding lemon juice or coconut oil. -
Clarifying shampoo –
These shampoos contain stronger elements that can lift all the dirt, oil and grime from your scalp and hair. It is used to reset the condition of your head when it gets out of control. If your hair is excessively oily, this might help calm down the reason behind your dandruff. But be extremely careful with this, as it can also dry out your scalp.
All these overnight dandruff treatments have the potential of helping you in the short term. But if you’re not careful with the quantities, you might end up making your condition worse. If you’re unsure about these ingredients, use tested anti-dandruff solutions like the Head and Shoulders Neem or Lemon Fresh. These can clean your scalp and banish any dandruff causing germs. You can also try the Head and Shoulders 2 in 1 Cool Menthol, that can revitalise you and leave your hair dandruff free. Short term results might help, but at the end of the day always play the long game to prevent your dandruff from coming back.