If you have ever thought of shaving your head to get rid of dandruff, think again.

A bad bout of scalp itching can make you reach for that razor and just shave all your hair off. Everyone has thought about doing that when it comes to lice, but sometimes dandruff related itching can be equally painful.
However, one of the biggest worries with this rationale is that people don’t realise dandruff is a scalp problem and not a hair condition. So does shaving head remove dandruff?
Firstly, what is dandruff?
Dandruff is a scalp condition that is caused by a naturally occurring fungus known as Malassezia Globosa. Your scalp is covered in numerous sebaceous glands that produce sebum to coat and protect your head. This sebum flows down your hair strands and creates a layer against the elements. If your sebaceous glands start producing more sebum, it can potentially lead to a build-up on your scalp.
The fungus breaks down this excess sebum to create oleic acid, which is reactive for many. Almost 1 in 2 people across the world react to this process and end up with an itchy scalp, red spots, and white-yellow oily flakes of dead skin cells. This is what we know as dandruff.
The sebum production can fluctuate for various reasons. It can be due to hormonal imbalances, high stress levels, sudden weather changes, inadequate nutrition, and even a poor hair care regimen.
Does shaving head reduce dandruff?
There are some potential benefits to shaving your head for dandruff:
- It lets your scalp breathe. If you have matted hair that acts as a heat and germ trap, it can aggravate your dandruff condition. This allows a temporary reset to the health of your scalp.
- When you clear your hair, you allow direct access for shampoos and dandruff treatments to your scalp. Often, a heavy head of hair can block your dandruff treatment from reaching the scalp.
- There is a lower chance of sweat and dirt accumulation on your scalp. Hair can be the cause for a lot of your accumulation worries; this takes care of it.
- It allows for new hair strands to grow from the roots. Although it might not affect hair volume, it can help get rid of any inflamed follicles through treatment.
But all of this is just temporary. Unless you take care of the underlying issues, your dandruff can always make a comeback. Shaving your head is not a dandruff solution. Proof of this is when bald men develop dandruff.
Any issues with shaving your head?
There are. Shaving your head is not one of those easy dandruff home remedies that you want to try. There are drawbacks to this method that can worsen your problems:
- The sebum or oil, that is produced by your scalp, usually flows down the hair strands to the tips. With no hair, this sebum can accumulate on your scalp and lead to a growth of the dandruff causing fungus.
- It can lead to razor burns and cuts, which can be the source of scalp irritation. It can also lead to rashes if not done properly.
- Shaving your head can lead to excessive evaporation from the scalp, which creates a dry scalp condition. This triggers the body into producing more oil to compensate, which in turn can lead to an increase in your dandruff.
- There is a potential for ingrown hair that can lead to inflammation.
- You skin is exposed to dirt, germs, pollution, and UV rays, which can lead to a build-up and various scalp problems like shaved head dandruff.
- Many people who shave their heads wear a hat or cap to cover. This can lead to heat build-up which is a perfect environment for microbes to grow.
- Shaving can make your dandruff condition more prominent. It would have been hidden by your hair before, but now it’s out for everyone to see. You might just curse yourself for this aesthetic choice.
Overall, shaving your head to manage dandruff is an extreme step. You don’t need to go down this route and wait for your hair to grow back. You’re better off keeping your hair and scalp clean. Moisturise your scalp, reduce your stress levels, and use anti dandruff shampoos. Try the Head and Shoulders Cool Menthol or Neem to get rid of the dandruff causing germs. Or you can also use the combined effect of a shampoo and conditioner in the Head and Shoulders 2 in 1 Active Protect, that is gentle enough for everyday use and gives non-stop protection against dandruff. Keep your long locks intact and find a better way to deal with your dandruff.