10 Hair Wash Tips to Reduce Dandruff and Nourish Your Hair At Home

Despite how uncertain the times can be, the truth remains that we do coexist with microbes. In fact, dandruff is caused by a combination of microbes, both bacterial and fungal. The most common of these i areMalassezia Globosa and Malassezia Restricta.On a very basic level, these fungi break down the scalp sebum into oleic and arachidonic acids, which in turn cause inflammation. Don’t get us wrong; this is a very natural process and doesn’t really hurt you in any major way.
But the problem arises when you are allergic to these acids. When this happens, your scalp skin begins to shed in the form of oily, off-white flakes that we call dandruff. Unfortunately, about 50% of the world is allergic to mainly the oleic acid, which makes the good old ‘how to reduce dandruff’ question so important.
So, can you wash this dandruff away? Well, yes you can! Is there a specific way as to how you should be doing it? Yes, there is and we are here to tell you exactly how! To make things easier for you, we’ve listed them in an ascending order.
Read On To Get 10 Hair Wash Tips For Yourself That Are Going To Help You Reduce Dandruff And Hair Fall!
Pre-Wash Oiling
While dandruff can feel quite itchy and give you that exceptionally greasy look, you shouldn’t underestimate the value of conditioning. It is recommended that you oil your hair before your shower with antifungal oils such as tea tree oil, neem oil, and so on. If you’re looking for the much-asked tips to reduce hair fall, oiling is still the answer you’re seeking.
Pre-Wash Brushing
Brushing your hair with a soft-bristled brush before you step into the shower has many benefits. First of all, it helps you keep that hair fall off the grid. And secondly, it reduces the pressure on your scalp by de-tangling. You see, tangled hair demands that you pull on them to make them silky smooth again. If you are a dandruff sufferer, then you probably don’t want to put your scalp through that after all the itching!
Lukewarm Water
Once you enter the shower, make sure you use lukewarm water. While hot water may feel great, it’s going to strip the natural moisture. So, if you are among those who have ‘How to reduce dandruff and hair fall home remedies’ in your Google history, you might want to set the ideal bathing water temperature just slightly higher than your body temperature at about 40° C or 100° F.
Scalp Shampoo
Well, this is a no-brainer. If you’re looking at reducing dandruff, an antifungal, antibacterial shampoo that’s specifically designed for good scalp health is ideal. We recommend using a shampoo from the Head & Shoulders 2-in-1 range. Quick advice on how to reduce dandruff would be to focus your washing on the scalp. Lather for 30 seconds to 1 minute in the direction of your cuticles rather in the infamous circular motion if you want to escape tangles.
Regular Shampooing
The thing about antifungal shampoos is that they have an active ingredient such as Zinc Pyrithione (ZPT), which they leave behind, thereby keeping dandruff at bay. One of the hair wash tips, therefore, would be to use this shampoo regularly. If you look up ‘How to reduce dandruff and hair fall home remedies’ often, this one will show up often. And more importantly, stick to what works out for you.
Scalp Type
Different factors play a role when it comes to scalp dandruff. To elaborate, it is ideal to wash hair on alternate days if you have rather greasy hair. On the other hand, if you have weak, fragile hair, maybe twice a week is where you should put the cap. Lastly, if your scalp type is in neither of these extremes, a thrice weekly wash is ideal.
Your scalp and hair deserve some good old conditioning. A scalp with dandruff needs a special conditioner which also has anti-fungal effects, along with nourishing properties. Henceii , make sure you go for an anti-dandruff conditioner, containing ZPT in it. If you are using a separate conditioner, you should start at the tips of the hair shafts and work your way upwards,. But we recommend going for the Head & Shoulders 2-in-1 shampoos, so you get the goodness of a conditioner in the same shampoo bottle.
Whether you use a 2-in-1 anti-dandruff shampoo or a separate conditioner to conclude your hair wash, make sure you finger-comb your wet hair in the shower. This helps keep you away from the tangles and gives you a scalp that you wouldn’t need to harass by pulling on your hair later. In fact, you will find this advice listed in most lists of tips to reduce hair fall.
Cold Water
Sure, we began with warm water, but you must end your shower with cold water. Keeping this in practice helps you close the cuticles that you expanded earlier with warm water, while also sealing the moisture in. Moreover, it can also be deeply relaxing for your scalp skin after all that dandruff itching it’s been through.
Towel Drying
One very common mistake that people make is that they go super harsh with the towel after a good wash. This not only gives you tangles but also causes hair damage. Your hair is at its weakest when wet and your wet scalp is not exactly strong enough to hold on to your hair. It’s recommended that you pat your hair dry with a micro-fibre towel and keep your scalp away from the pressure. Micro-fibre towels are very popular these iii days as the advantages are many and the damage to the hair is the least.
Reduce Dandruff with these Home Remedies
Sometimes you might feel like you just want to take care of the problem at home. In this scenario, we turn to home remedies which are often just a few steps away in your kitchen!. Various studies have shown the following to have a drastic effect in reducing itchiness and dandruff.
- Lemon
When life gives you lemons, pour that lemonade onto your scalp. Well, at least a version of it. Lemons are packed with Vitamins and healthy acids which can drastically increase the vitality of your hair and scalp. It contains antioxidants that can eliminate oil buildup and maintain a healthy pH balance, to give you an answer to the question of how to reduce dandruff.
There are various ways to use Lemon for dandruff. You can apply a few drops directly to your scalp or dilute it with water first. You can also create your own dandruff remedy by mixing lemon drops with Coconut oil and massaging it into your scalp. After leaving it for a few minutes, wash it off with a mild shampoo. You could also use a lemon-based shampoo like the Lemon Fresh shampoo that can keep your scalp clean and cool
- Argan oil
These golden drops from Morocco are God sent for your scalp. Rich in Vitamin E, Argan oil can rejuvenate your scalp and reduce oxidative stress on your hair. It works wonders in retaining healthy amounts of moisture on your scalp and prevents any form of dryness. The main wonder of this oil is that it reduces any damage due to heat and its anti-inflammatory properties can drastically reduce itchiness.
YYou can directly apply a few drops of Argan oil onto your hair and scalp. Massage from root to tip for about 10 minutes and then cover it with a hair mask overnight. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo in the morning. You can also add this oil to your existing shampoo or conditioner to bring its benefits to your scalp, or buy a shampoo like the Supreme Scalp Rejuvenation Shampoo which already contain Argan oil.
- Aloe vera
Everyone has heard of the benefits of Aloe vera. It’s gooey benefits for your scalp are just too hard to refute. The presence of microbes on the scalp triggers the inflammatory responses to destroy theseiv invading organisms. However, excess oil on the scalp will continue to support their overall growth. Hence, the combination of the yeast fungus and the high oil production, both contribute to the inflammation which may attack the hair follicles and lead to subsequent hair loss. Aloe vera is nature’s anti-inflammatory moisturiser. It has enzymes and fatty acids that can instantly reduce scalp irritation. Its anti-inflammatory effect can work for your oily scalp and remove excess sebum, thus reducing the occurrence of dandruff.
Apply pure Aloe vera gel to your scalp and massage it gently. Leave it in your hair for about 30 minutes and then wash it off with a mild shampoo. Or combine it with different products to create a hair mask, which is one of the best ways to use this liquid-like product. Shampoos like Supreme Scalp Soothing Shampoo that have v Aloe vera as an ingredient to help counter the damage to the scalp, thereby producing healthy hair.
- Tea Tree oil
When you think of a tea made in a tree, it sounds like you’ve been transported into the wilds of the forest. That’s not how this oil is made but it still sounds fun. Tea tree oil has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, that drastically reduce the dandruff on your scalp by going after the fungus that causes it. Its moisturising effect can also alleviate any itchiness on your scalp.
You can add a few drops of 5% tea vi tree oil to your existing shampoo, and thoroughly wash your hair with it. You could also dilute it with other oils and then apply it to your hair. Maybe create your own lather at home by combining tea tree oil with olive oil, coconut oil, vitamin E oil, milk, water and baking soda. But it is extremely strong, so be careful not to apply it directly or to ingest it.
We understand that it can be intimidating, if even washing hair starts coming with detailed instructions. But here’s the thing – your antifungal, antibacterial and anti-dandruff shampoo comes with agents in it that bind to those dandruff-causing microbes and the dirt on your scalp. So, when you wash the shampoo lather off, you are literally washing away the impurities. The last thing you want to do here is to interfere with the process. Head & Shoulders 2-in-1 range has quite a variety of shampoos that don’t just do the job of giving you a germ-free scalp, but also come with their own unique set of properties for different scalp types. In fact, they have been specifically formulated so that you can enjoy the process of washing your hair. So, make the most of those hair washes and bid adieu to dandruff and hair fall!
All reference on this page to *Upto 100%, **Germs, ***Immunity and ****No. 1 shampoo refer to * removing visible flakes only, with regular usage, at least 3x per week, **related to dandruff, imbalance of bacteria, with regular use, ***protection from dandruff causing germs and ***according to P&G calculation based on Nielsen data from June’18 to July’19 respectively.
Show References
i https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4852869/
ii https://www.e-ijd.org/article.asp?issn=0019 5154;year=2015;volume=60;issue=3;spage=248;epage=254;aulast=D%27Souza
iii https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/chemistry/microfiber
v https://www.jocpr.com/articles/aloe-vera--a-potential-herb-and-its-medicinal-importance.pdf
vi Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.https://www.jaad.org/article/S0190-9622(02)00313-4/abstractTreatment of dandruff with 5% tea tree oil shampooDOI:https://doi.org/10.1067/mjd.2002.122734