Tired of the white flakes dominating your shoulders? Welcome to the world of dandruff and the never-ending trauma of their occurrence.
While the concept of dandruff is not new, there are many dandruff treatments in the market that cater to people looking to get rid of those white flakes. Before opting in for any dandruff treatment, it is very important to understand the type of scalp that you have, dermatologist-recommended products for them and how to use it for maximum benefit.
Before we delve deep into the types of scalp, let's see what makes them different from each other. Basically, the sebaceous gland is an important player in the type of hair you have and the scalp you carry. Sebum production is a natural process that makes hair strands strong and lustrous, however, there are reasons such as age, genetics, diet, habits and stress levels that impact your sebum production and eventually your scalp type.
Normal Scalp
As the name suggests, the normal scalp is usually a result of proper maintenance and care of the head. A well balanced and healthy lifestyle in addition to good hair care results in a normal scalp. There are fewer chances of developing dandruff on it because of the cleanliness and hygiene.
Important ingredients: For people that have this scalp, try using shampoos having lauryl sulphate as the primary cleaning agent as it provides deep cleansing and minimal conditioning.
Usage: Avoid washing your hair more than 3-4 times a week as washing it more might rub the natural oils from your scalp.
Oily Scalp
When sebaceous glands become overly active, they start to secrete more sebum and that develops into an oily scalp. Many people have an oily scalp and it is the major reason a lot of people deal with greasy hair. The reason your sebaceous glands are overactive can be because of your food consumption habits but it’s also linked to hormonal changes.
Important ingredient: Try using shampoos that have lauryl sulfates or sulfosuccinates as cleansers and an added layer of fungal protection from zinc pyrithione.
Usage: People who have an oily scalp can wash it more frequently just because of the fact that regular cleaning would be required to keep the scalp clean. You can use the Head & Shoulders 2 in 1 Active Protect Shampoo to help you clean your scalp and get rid of excessive oil.
Dry Scalp
Dry scalp occurs mainly due to a pre-existing condition or lack of ample drinking water. Dry scalp not only results in dry hair and flakes but also in hair breakage because the hair strands don’t get enough nutrients to nourish them. Dry scalp also causes excessive itching, which can be troublesome at most times.
Important ingredients: Your shampoo should contain mild cleansing agents but deep conditioning ones as your scalp needs the added nourishment along with an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agent like Selenium Sulfide.
Usage: Try to avoid washing your hair more than 2-3 times a week and make sure to use a good conditioner after wash at least once a week. To reduce the itching caused by dry scalp, you can use the Head & Shoulders 2 in 1 Cool Menthol shampoo. Charged with the benefits of mint, this shampoo will leave your scalp a cooling sensation!
Combination Scalp
Last but not the least, we have the combination scalp which can mean you have dry hair that breaks but from an oily scalp. Also known as Pityriasis steatoides, this particular condition results because of over-active sebaceous glands and poor scalp care that creates an excess of sebum. It then gets absorbed back into the scalp and prevents nutrients to reach the top part of the hair strands.
Important ingredients: For your scalp condition, try to look at products that have Zinc Carbonate as it provides excellent moisturization to those dry strands and also acts as a cleaning agent for the oily scalp.
Usage: A deep hair wash 2-3 times a week should be sufficient to get rid of the bacteria and make your scalp clean and hygienic. The Head & Shoulders 2 in 1 Smooth & Silky shampoo is perfect for this scalp type as it not only gets rid of flakes but also gives you smooth hair.
While you go through your scalp type, you can trust the world’s No.1 shampoo to help you get up to 100% dandruff free hair. Head & Shoulders anti-dandruff shampoo, as well as its latest 2-in-1 range, have got all the essential ingredients required to get rid of that oily scalp or dry scalp flakes in one go.